Save Big on Books!
All Access to all of your materials!
Your cost of attendance at Utica includes access to all textbooks!
Utica University wants to make sure you're ready to succeed from day one. We're also dedicated to making your college experience more affordable.
That's why we have built textbooks into your total cost of attendance,* which makes preparing for the next semester** simpler and actually saves you money. So when you arrive on campus, all of your books will be will be ready for you either digitally or physically, saving you up to 30% on your textbooks.
Follett All Access Is the Answer!
Follett All Access is a powerful program that enables colleges and universities to deliver all course materials (textbooks, lab kits, supplies, etc.) as part of tuition. With Follett All Access, all students have what they need on the first day of class, stress-free and effortlessly — which levels the playing field for all students, regardless of economic background or social status.
More Than a Program, Follett All Access is a movement.
And with colleges and universities participating across the nation, it’s one that’s well underway. These institutions are seeing a positive impact on recruitment, class retention, graduation rates and academic performance measures. But this is bigger than cost or convenience. It’s about reducing student stress and increasing preparedness, so people can succeed.

Access for Everyone
Follett All Access is the perfect union of publishers, institutions, faculty and Follett — coming together to enhance access to course materials, engagement and learning outcomes, help make course materials more affordable and ultimately foster student outcomes. Whether you're just joining the Utica University community, or returning to campus for your next semester, you'll find the All Access Program to be quicker and more efficient than ever before. What's more, you'll enjoy incredible savings on all the class materials you need.
No shopping needed. You’re automatically enrolled and it's done.
Bundling your books is automatic. When you enroll in your course, we'll provision everything you need to succeed! The Bookstore has partnered with the University to automatically receive your materials list each semester and then our system goes to work. About 4 weeks before class starts, the Bookstore will automatically provision all the materials you need for your upcoming classes. How easy is that?
You only need to complete some small tasks to be completely ready:
- Check your Utica email often for updates on your materials
- Complete your rental registration if prompted (more details in the FAQ)
- Grab any physical materials ready for pick up at the bookstore before your classes start (or they can be shipped to you if needed!***)
* The All Access fee will appear on your bill as a separate item, charged at a flat rate of $26 per credit hour or $390 for 15 credits.
**The deadline to opt-out is the last day to add/drop classes each semester. Students may choose to opt-out via our new portal.
***Purchase of $5 shipping fee here is required.
NOTE: RangeForce is not covered through the All Access Fee charge. It is a separate course fee applied directly to a student's bill.

More control for you! You control opting out and your rental information directly now.
To better streamline the opt out/opt in process, the bookstore has created a new portal located at:http://accessportal.follett.com/1301 You will receive an email in your Utica inbox when this portal goes live each semester. It will now allow students to process their own opt out for more control over their participation in the program. Once an opt out is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. Your opt out is only valid once that email is received. Remember: Choosing to opt out means that you will not have any materials automatically provided to you and that you will have to obtain the necessary items on your own. This same portal can also be used to opt back in (before the add/drop deadline of each semester) should you decide you want to re-enroll in the program. NOTE: Please allow 24-48 hours for materials to reprovision back to you once you submit an opt in.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Can I pick and choose what courses to opt out of?
The All Access program is either all in or all out each semester. You cannot pick and choose courses to opt out of.
Q. Why is the All Access fee still on my account after I opted out? Do I still need to pay it?
The opt out system no longer immediately removes the All Access fee from your account since you will still have the option to opt back in at any time before the add/drop deadline. If you have submitted an opt out through the portal, your account will have the All Access fee removed within a few weeks after the add/drop deadline. You do not need to pay for the All Access fee portion of your bill if, AND ONLY IF, you have submitted an opt out and do not plan to opt back in.
Q. The portal is telling me I have to return materials before I can opt out? Why?
To prevent materials from being taken without being paid for, the opt out portal will not let you opt out until all materials are returned to the bookstore. If there are any physical items available to you, they must be returned before an opt out can be processed. Please contact the bookstore regarding any issues with your opt out. NOTE: You will receive an email confirming your opt out being processed, if you do not receive this email within 48 hours of opting out contact the bookstore immediately.
Q. Do I have to opt out of the All Access fee every semester?
Yes, each semester an opt out will need to be submitted to remove the fee.
Q. Is the “opt-out” option available to students enrolled in D2 only online courses?
Students who are registered for D2 only course(s) will have the ability to opt-out during the D2 add/drop period. Please contact the bookstore with any issues opting out.
Q. If I “opt-out” can I still get my materials from the bookstore?
Absolutely! The bookstore will still carry all the materials you need for your course and they’re available in the bookstore or online at www.utica-shop.com.
Q. What is the All-Access Book Bundle Program?
The All-Access Book Bundle program is operated by Utica University in conjunction with Follett Higher Education, the company who operates the bookstore. Included as part of your tuition, the All-Access Book Bundle program has been implemented to eliminate barriers that often hinder students from obtaining all of the necessary materials needed to complete their courses. This program allows you to receive all of your required course materials for one fee that is substantially lower than the cost of buying each piece of course material separately.
Q. How much does it cost?
The textbook fee is a part of the total tuition and fees and will appear on your bill as a separate item, charged at a flat rate of $26 per credit hour. For example, 15 credit hours will cost $390. The per credit hour fee rate is locked in for the 2022-2023 school year.
Q. Who is eligible for this program?
All undergraduate courses are part of this program and students who take on-ground and online courses will see this program on their tuition. Currently, graduate students and students in the ABSN nursing program are not included in this program.
Q. How do I get sign-up?
All eligible students are automatically enrolled in this program. You will see the per credit hour fee reflected on your bill for the semester.
Q. What materials are included in the program?
The program primarily focuses on delivering materials in electronic format where possible. This could include eBooks, digital access codes such as Pearson MyLab®, McGraw-Hill Connect®, Cengage MindTap®, among various other digital content. In instances where digital materials are unavailable, we will focus on offering physical books under a rental program (See below for more detail). Other physical materials such as art kits, lab kits, goggles, etc. will also be included with the per credit fee where applicable.
Note: RangeForce is not covered through the All Access Fee charge. It is a separate course fee applied directly to a student's bill.
Q. How do I get my materials?
Since the All-Access program focuses on delivering your materials digitally where possible, you will automatically receive your eBooks on your BryteWave Digital Bookshelf (brytewave.redshelf.com) about four weeks before the start of classes. If your course has physical materials, you will be notified at your Utica email when those materials are ready for you. Please check your Utica email for updates on all your materials! For more detailed information check out the Your Materials are Ready! tab below.
Q. How long can I keep my eBooks?
Generally, rented eBook access is available for 180 days after they’re assigned to you. After the 180 day period you will no longer have access to the material without purchasing it (at your own expense). Each eBook has a “Days Left” counter on it that will let you know when your access to the book is running out.If the materials originally assigned were purchased, then you will have access to them indefinitely.
Q. Where do the rest of my books and materials come from?
If it’s not an eBook from BryteWave, you will receive an email letting you know when your materials are ready for pick up at the bookstore. For more information check out the Your Materials are Ready! tab below.
Q. What if I need my materials shipped?
The bookstore can ship your materials to you via UPS anywhere within the United States for only $5! Visit the following link: Follett Access Shipping Fee; enter your shipping address and cash out. The bookstore will then ship your materials and send tracking to your email once it’s processed. For international shipping, please reach out to the bookstore (bookst@youqingbao.com) for a quote on shipping. The Access Shipping Fee must be paid before the start of each class if there are physical materials. For example, if you are enrolled in courses that have different start dates (D1, D2...etc.), you will need to pay a shipping fee for each course.
Q. Are books in this program purchased or rented?
Generally, materials are provided for the term and then must be returned by the due date. In certain cases, materials may not be rentable and this information will be reflected on your receipt. Materials that are not rented are yours to keep.
Q. What happens if I drop my class(es)?
The All Access program will honor any dropped courses completed before the add/drop deadline of each semester. Digital materialsfrom dropped courses will be automatically revoked from your BryteWave account. Physical material must be returned to the bookstore within one week of the add/drop deadline. You will be charged for the All Access fee for any materials not returned by the deadline.
Q. What happens if I withdraw or get dismissed?
The All Access fee is not refundable after the add/drop deadline. If you withdraw, or are dismissed, after this deadline from Utica, the All Access fee is non-refundable. Rental materials must still be checked in to the bookstore as well or your account will be sent to collections.
Q. What happens if I have to retake a class?
If you are required to retake a class, new materials will be provisioned for you again at the start of the next semester if you stay in the Access program. Rental books must be turned in at the end of the term by the due date.
Q. What if I do not want eBooks?
While we understand that eBooks and digital materials may not be for everyone, they are a focus of this program in order to keep the fee as low as possible in order to provide the best value to students. Students who are in this program may obtain physical versions (at your own expense) for some of the materials at a discounted rate directly from the publisher. Physical alternatives are listed on your course where applicable.
Q. If it’s not an eBook what do I get?
While we are focusing on delivering eBooks for this program, not everything is available electronically. For those books and materials that are physical we will try to offer a rentalable version when possible, otherwise it’s a book or supply you get to keep! If the materials are rented you may use them for the whole duration of the semester and are instructed to return them back to the store by their due date. For more information see the Rental section of the Your Materials are Ready! tab below.
Q. I got an email from noreply@follett.com asking me to create an account using my credit card. What is that all about?
This is very important! For courses requiring rental materials, students will need to have a Follett rental account created that is associated with your Utica email address. In order to create an account, a credit or debit card will need to be provided as collateral and you must agree to the terms and conditions. The card will not be charged unless the rental books are not returned to the bookstore by the rental due date. The credit card holder may be different from the student, i.e. a parent or relative may input their credit card information in instances where the student does not have one. Digital rental materials will not require a rental account. You can manage your rental information anytime by accessing it here:
Q. I don’t have a credit card. How do I use the book bundle program?
Unfortunately, the rental portion of the Access program is not accessible without a credit/debit card. If a rental account is not created, items cannot be provided to you. If you feel this is an issue, please contact your success coach and the bookstore (bookst@youqingbao.com).
If you are a student in a program overseen by the Office of Opportunity Programs please contact the director of the program.
If you are an international student please contact the Executive Director of International Education, Deborah Wilson-Allam at dlwilson@youqingbao.com.
Q. Do I have to use the All-Access program?
While there are great benefits to the program, you may opt out of the program prior to the start of semester. You can opt-out by logging into the Follett Opt Out Portal here:
NOTE: If you choose to opt out of the program, you will be responsible for obtaining your course materials on your own. The bookstore is available to assist where possible but be aware some materials are locked into the Access program and provisioning materials outside of the Access program can delay starting the term with the required materials. You may also opt back into the program anytime before add/drop by using the same opt out portal.
Q. Can I pick and choose what courses to opt out of?
The All Access program is either all in or all out. You are unable to choose individual courses to opt out of. NOTE: You will automatically be re-enrolled into the All Access Program each semester, therefore you must submit an opt out each semester if you choose to opt out.
Q. Why is the All Access fee still on my account after I opted out? Do I still need to pay it?
The new opt out system no longer immediately removes the All Access fee from your account since you will still have the option to opt back in at any time before the add/drop deadline. If you have submitted an opt out through the portal, your account will have the All Access fee removed within two weeks after the add/drop deadline. You do not need to pay for the All Access fee portion of your bill if, AND ONLY IF, you have submitted an opt out AND do not plan to opt back in.
Q. The portal is telling me I have to return materials before I can opt out. Why?
To prevent materials from being taken without being paid for, the opt out portal will not let you opt out until all materials are returned to the bookstore. If there are any physical items available to you, they must be returned before an opt out can be processed. Please contact the bookstore with any issues with your opt out.
Q. Do you have to opt out of the All Access fee every semester?
Yes, each semester an opt out will need to be submitted to remove the fee. The fee will be removed from your account a few weeks after the add/drop period has passed.
Q. Will all supplemental lab items be included?
All required course materials will be provided by the All Access fee. “Recommended” or “Suggested” materials are not included.
Q. I have opted out of the program but the books on the website are still “locked”, what do I do?
Opting out of the All Access program does not “unlock” the materials on the bookstore’s website. Materials are “locked” from directly being added to your shopping bag because most are specialty priced and therefore cannot be purchased outside of the program. You can still purchase your necessary materials online, however, it has to be done manually to avoid students from purchasing books they would normally receive within the Access program already. If you do not see the materials please reach out to the bookstore directly at bookst@youqingbao.com for more information. If the book is currently only offered physically in the Access program, such as novels, lab manuals, workbooks...etc., it quicker to order them online through the same process:
1) Search your course materials list online using your student ID.
2) Copy the ISBNs of physical materials down to search it in the toolbar at the top of the webpage.
3) Add the book to your bag in the condition you desire. You will be able to select new or used and, in most cases, a rental option.
4) You can check out using Book Line of Credit (BLOC), credit/debit card, ApplePay, or PayPal at checkout.
Q. I have more questions. Who do I talk to?
- Questions about my billing:
- Student Financial Services: sfs@youqingbao.com or (315) 792-3179
- Academic support questions:
- Student Success: studentsuccess@youqingbao.com or (315) 223-2555
- Course material questions please reach out to:
- Utica University Bookstore: bookst@youqingbao.com or (315) 792-3197
- BryteWave Customer Service and 24/7 Technical Support:
- Email: customerservice@brytewave.com or 1-877-612-2233
With classes approaching you are probably wondering where your materials will be coming from. Here is how you receive materials through the All Access Program.
eBooks powered by BryteWave:
A majority of your materials will be digital (less to carry around!) and most of them will be digital eBooks that are provided to you through BryteWave. BryteWave is the bookstore’s digital platform that allows you to access your eBooks on your electronic devices (laptops, iPad, Phone, etc.) all in one place.
BryteWave ebooks can be accessed here on your device (better bookmark it!): brytewave.redshelf.com
Use your Utica email and password you created to login and access your materials (you may need some other materials too, see below). For more in depth information on your eBooks visit the BryteWave eBook Resources tab on this page.
Digital Access Codes (aka Courseware):
You might be familiar with access codes (Pearson MyLab, McGraw-Hill Connect, Cengage MindTap, WileyPlus, etc.) but here is how each will be available to you. Inside each access code you will also have access to the eBook as well.
- Pearson (MyLab, Revel): A unique access code will be on your BryteWave Digital Bookshelf automatically just like your ebooks. You will input that code into the platform your professor is using (a link to the platform will also be in Brytewave for you!).
- Cengage (MindTap, Aplia, OWL): Cengage is “codeless” which means Cengage is sent a list of students who are in the All Access program and automatically have their access authorized (those who opted out will lose access after their trial period and must pay for the program to continue). Just follow the instructor's direction to register for the course.
- McGraw-Hill (Connect, SIMNet): McGraw-Hill is “codeless” which means McGraw-Hill is sent a list of students who are in the All Access program and automatically have their access authorized (those who opted out will lose access after their trial period and must pay for the program to continue). Just follow the instructor's direction to register for the course.
- Wiley (WileyPlus): Wiley courses are "codeless," which means Wiley is sent a list of students who are in the All Access program and have their access automatically authorized (those who opted out will lose access after their trial period and must pay for the program to continue). Just follow the instructor's direction to register for the course.
- MacMillan (Achieve): MacMillan courses are “codeless” which means MacMillan is sent a list of students who are in the All Access program and have their access automatically authorized (those who opted out will lose access after their trial period and must pay for the program to continue). Just follow the instructor's direction to register for the course.
Physical Access Codes:
Not every publisher offers access codes digitally, meaning that you are required to pick up the code from the bookstore. Below is the list of codes that will still need you to pick up from the bookstore. You will get an email when these codes are ready for you.
- Interpretive Simulations (BizCafe, NewShoes, Entrepreneur)
- PharmaSim Simulation
- Shadow Health
- ZyBooks
- LiveText
Physical Books:
- Rental: If an eBook is not available, we will try to offer a physical rental option for it when possible. The rental program is filled with its own benefits!
- The rental experience: If the materials are rented, you may use them for the whole semester and are required to return them back to the store by their due date (you will get email reminders). You can use rental books just like those you would purchase including taking light notes, selectively highlighting, and bookmarking pages as needed. We ask that you be mindful and not excessively highlight or cause damage to the book. If a book is returned in unsalable condition (torn cover, missing pages, water damaged etc.) you will be required to pay for the book at your own expense.
- What you need to do: This is very important! For courses requiring physical rental materials, students will need to have a Follett rental account created that is associated with your Utica College email address. In order to create an account, a credit or debit card will need to be provided as collateral and you must agree to the terms and conditions. The card will not be charged unless the rental books are not returned to the bookstore by the rental due date. The credit card holder may be different from the student i.e. a parent or relative may input their credit card information in instances where the student does not have one. This only needs to be done once, so once the account is all set you will only need to update the information if the collateral expires. Digital rental materials will not require a rental account. Below is an example of the collateral email:

To manage your rental information please visit:http://accessportal.follett.com/1301
- It’s near the end of the semester, now what? If you’re on campus, you can return your rented materials back to the bookstore any time before the due date. If you are a distance student, a FREE UPS return label will be emailed to your UC email address 14 days before the due date. Simply print the FREE label and the packing slip to send your materials back to the store. NOTE: The free shipping label is only available to print through the rental due date. It will disappear after the due date and you will be responsible to send the materials back at your own expense, so print the label before the due date to save money!
- Purchased: Some books are not allowed to be rented in the program and therefore you get to keep them! These materials do not need to be returned to the store, however, there is a chance the bookstore might buy them back after the semester is over. Please see the bookstore’s Buyback policy for more information!
Required Course Supplies:
Some courses have required course supplies like goggles, art kits, lab coats etc. These will also be provided in the All Access program and you will be notified by email when your materials are ready for pick up.
What if I need my materials shipped?
The bookstore can ship your materials to you via UPS anywhere within the United States for only $5! Visit the following link: Follett Access Shipping Fee; enter your shipping address and cash out. The bookstore will then ship your materials and send tracking to your email once it’s processed. For international shipping, please reach out to the bookstore (bookst@youqingbao.com) for a quote on shipping. The Access Shipping Fee must be paid before the start of each class. For example, if you are enrolled in courses that have different start dates (D1, D2...etc.), you will need to pay a shipping fee for each course.

What is BryteWave?
BryteWave is the newest digital textbook reader and study tool from Follett. It combines an intuitive user interface with features designed so students can study anytime, anywhere. It's a comprehensive platform for taking notes, highlighting and sharing ideas with other students and professors.
How do I access my digital eBook?
eBooks will be made available on your digital bookshelf before the start of each semester and will be found at brytewave.redshelf.com. A notification from BryteWave will be sent to your Utica email when they are ready to be accessed. Most digital materials will be accessible through brytewave.redshelf.com where you will sign in with your Utica email address. You will receive an email containing instructions on how to access your materials from eFollett about 4 weeks prior to class start, please check your Utica email (including the spam folder) for this notification.
**NOTE: If your course is using an access code platform such as Pearson MyLab®, McGraw-Hill Connect®, Cengage MindTap® etc., your ebook will be located within that platform (not in BryteWave) along with your homework and study materials.
How do I get started?
The first email from BryteWave will have a temporary password for your BryteWave account. Login into BryteWave (brytewave.redshelf.com) using your Utica email address and the temporary password. Follow the prompts to create a new password and then you will have access to your digital bookshelf.
What if I didn’t get a notification email or I accidentally deleted it?
All BryteWave emails are sent to your Utica email address. If it happens to go missing, you can reset your BryteWave login anytime by going to brytewave.redshelf.com, selecting “login” at the top right menu, and then selecting “forgot password”. Enter your Utica email address and BryteWave will send you a password reset email. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password and then you will be able to login into BryteWave using your new password.
Where do the rest of my books and materials come from?
If it’s not an eBook from BryteWave see the “Your Materials are Ready!” tab of this page for specific information.
BryteWave Support Information
BryteWave offers customer service and technical support for faculty and students 24/7 by phone or by email:
- Email: customerservice@brytewave.com
- Phone: 1-877-612-2233
Additional support information, FAQ's, how-to's, and technical specs available here.
Any questions please feel free to contact the bookstore at bookst@youqingbao.com
Contact Us
Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services
Billing Questions
(315) 792-3179
Center for Student Success

Center for Student Success
Academic Support Questions
(315) 223-2555
Utica University Bookstore

(315) 792-3197

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For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.